SEND Support For Parents and Guardians

Please click on the following links to access a selection of resources that may support you or your child at home.








There are four broad areas of SEND, these are:


Communication and Interaction

- Guidance From Nas

- Name 5 Things Game

- School Closure Toolkit

- Developing Vocabulary


Cognition and Learning

- Parents Info (Handwriting)

- Cued Spelling

- Spelling Activities

- Alphabet Arc

- Handwriting

- Digraphs, Trigraphs and Blends

- Reading Support


Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

- Let's feel better

- I can calm myself down

- If I'm feeling...

- Mindfulness Challenge Cards

- My I can journal

- Support with change to routine

- When I am anxious I can...

- Understanding Emotions

- 1, 2, 3 Magic

- Feelings Chart

- Home Schedule (Now and Next)

- Feelings Triggers

- Emotional Regulation

- Grounding Techniques for Anxiety


Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties

- Fine Motor Activities

- Playdough Ideas

- Handwriting Development

- NHS Fine Motor Skills Ideas

- Sensory Circuits


For support specifically relating to the current national covid-19 pandemic, please click on the documents below:


- Flashcards

- Washing Hands

- Going For A Test


For additional home learning resources, or if you would like to discuss anything in more detail, please contact via the school office to arrange an appointment with 

Mr M Hadfield - SENCO KS1 & KS2 ; Mrs A Miller SENCO EYFS